Towns Around Biloxi Parrothead Club
Presents 2 checks to
The Alzheimer's Foundation of the South
for recent Charity Events and Celebrations

Check for $3,350.00 from Stars Fell on Alabama Event
March 10-13, 2005
STARS 2005 $3,350.00
David Barnes(left), President of the Towns Around Biloxi Parrot Head Club,
presents check for $3,350.00 to Rosemary Hudgins, Executive Director
of the Alzheimer's Foundation of the South, MS Division,
and James Howell, a board member of the foundation.

Check for $555.00 from Pascagoula Poker Run and
Birthday Party April 2, 2005
Pascagoula Run $555.00
David Barnes(left), President of the Towns Around Biloxi Parrot Head Club,
presents check for $555.00 to Rosemary Hudgins, Executive Director
of the Alzheimer's Foundation of the South, MS Division,
and James Howell, a board member of the foundation.

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